donderdag 20 augustus 2009

Why a ship is a "she"

"Why a ship is a "she"

She is usually suitably decked out and allways stacked.
She has most pleasing lines running from the tips of her stacks topside to her curvacious stern below, when berthed and accessible there is always a bustle of men about her.

The initial cost of the lady is not unreasonable but the upkeep is astronomical. Her rigging cost a fortune as does all the paint to keep her looking well.

Bows and bells are standard equipment and sometimes she wears a bonnet. You can do anything with her stern but nothing with her head. To always be noticed, she displays her superstructure proudly.

When entering port, she heads for the buoys, and when sailing knows exactly where she is going although this is nog common knowledge to everyone. When wishing to attract her attention, a whistle will do the trick.

Like others of her gender, she is temperamental and somewhat unpredictable, requiring a capable and patient man to handle her.

However once you get the feel of her, you never want to leave, and on a calm moonlit night she will make a tired, lonely man forget his troubles.


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